A quiet, Virginia November with some of our favorite “Nothing” expenses and one little hot tip to earn extra credit card rewards.
Category: Meta
This post category refers to content about us and our personal lives along with the site itself. You’ll find updates about the site’s development, new features, and changes around the site. We also post our monthly personal updates to this category.
Join our adventure to Germany & Belgium on just $28/day/person! How? Staying with family/friends, rewards points, and some other hacks!
Chris’s new “hobby” has taken over more than just his time…and we get ready for bretzels, lederhosen, and beer as we celebrate his grandfather’s 90th!
With a month packed full of events and friends, our “break” in August wasn’t the meditative state we hoped for, but the goal remains!
A big cash back win carried us through July as we adventured through “Waterland” and toured Copenhagen!
We built a blueprint for our wedding with lessons from our path to FIRE. Here’s all our numbers and original plan—from goals to reality and lessons learned!
Time to recover from our May wedding? Maybe at some point!—instead, we were off to Montana for a little Glacier adventure in June!
Friends, family—our community—all showed up to celebrate and wish us well as we begin our married life, together. The wedding we planned, and wanted!
Join us as we share our engagement story, blending our love for each other with our path to financial independence, retire early (FIRE).
With our wedding on the horizon, Chris zoomed off in a supercar chase to celebrate—not his nuptials—but his 40th! Plus, we’ve a donation competition!