With low interest rates, you’re wondering if it’s worth the closing costs to refinance today—even for as little as a 1% rate reduction. Here’s how to decide!
We got tired of propping our windows up, a cheap solution, and finally got around to fixing our weighted windows with a full sash cord replacement for just $16!
Doubt creeps into all of our paths to financial independence, especially as emergencies come rolling in. But what if the bigger risk is, well, not?
We spent nearly $3K on our first flights since the pandemic with a 16-day trip, review mental health nonprofits, and scrutinize our May 2021 expenses!
Traveling can be expensive so why not try to save money where you can? Would you be willing to trade more driving to save $200 instead of flying closer?
Will inflation wreak havoc with your early retirement plans? Does the 4% rule account for it? And how do you determine how much money to withdraw yearly?
If achieving financial independence is all about getting the most from the least, might nature unlock satisfaction and excitement along the way?
I expected that moving to part-time work would have its benefits. What I didn’t expect was how much I learned about myself.
We join the Double Double Comma Club, reach our donation goal on our first year anniversary, review conservation nonprofits, and scrutinize our budget!
My career was costing me over $2,000/month! This is how I cut my “cost of working” and built a faster and more satisfying path to financial independence.