Discover the risks of individual stocks vs index funds. Learn from my costly mistake and make fruitful investment decisions to help you reach FIRE!
Tag: Financial Independence
Financial Independence and Early Retirement, or, FIRE. This content focusses on the financial independence aspect: the math, the planning, the nuts and bolts of making it work.
Learn to adopt the notion “everything is for sale”. When considering a purchase, analyze expected future value. Buy quality instead of limit yourself by a budget.
No matter which of the financial freedom steps you’re on, from dependency to abundance, here’s how you can reach financial independence and beyond.
You know the basics of how to save money at the grocery store; this isn’t beans & rice. Be an expert: cut 30-40% more off your grocery bill, here’s our secrets!
How can unmitigated lifestyle creep destroy your wealth? A simple decision between two apartments created nearly $52K worth of opportunity cost for me!
Our 2019 budget reveals how we live luxuriously, with a mortgage! A deep analysis of how we—two 35-year-olds in an MCOL city—spent $40,885 in a year.
Frugal vs cheap: what’s the difference? Building frugality focuses on value while cheap fixes short-term issues but creates long-term problems.
Meet Chris
From sleeping in a dining room while starting a business—to living between dirt floors and tin roofs while finding a fulfilling life exploding with independence—this is how it happened.